Security Experts Warn of New Cyber-Threats to Data Stored in Cloud
From eWeek – By: David Needle |
“SAN FRANCISCO –New cyber-attack techniques are evolving that threaten computer systems that IT security administrators may have considered relatively safe. That was the message of a panel of SANS Institute cyber-security experts at the 2018 RSA Conference.
For example, cloud computing is often lauded for its security and a way for companies to offload the infrastructure and investment costs of owning and maintaining on-premises data centers.
But SANS Institute’s Ed Skoudis said storing data offsite doesn’t ensure security.
“There is leakage when you have data stored in the wrong repositories or not stored correctly,” said Skoudis, a fellow and lead instructor at SANS Institute, which specializes in IT training and security services.
“There have been many attacks, Verizon twice, Time Warner and Uber and the U.S. Army leaked over 100 gigabytes of data because of a bug in an Amazon S3 storage bucket.”
Skoudis said organizations have focused on protecting their computer systems, but it’s time to think more broadly.
“If I ask a company if they manage and secure their computer systems they say yes. But when I ask about securing their data assets they say, ‘What are you talking about?’ It’s important to protect your computer systems, but if you don’t know what your data assets are and you’re putting them on systems you have no control of, you’re going to be in trouble,” he said.” Read More…
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