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Netflix Phishing Attacks Targeting 100 Million & Spreading

|, Techni-Core Blog|Netflix Phishing Attacks Targeting 100 Million & Spreading

Netflix Phishing Attacks Targeting 100 Million & Spreading

Yesterday, our FSO’s received a notification from DISA regarding a phishing attack targeting Netflix account holders. This attack is directing customers to update their account details, specifically, the financial aspects – e.g. credit card information for monthly subscription billing. Since this is a phishing attack, these notifications are coming in the form of an email to the account holder with a more than convincing subject line, “Your suspension notification.” The body proceeds to explain that the user’s account has been suspended due to issues with billing. Click the button below to read more about the phishing attack and DISA’s take on how to protect yourself.

Netflix Phishing Attack
By |2018-06-02T17:00:23-05:00February 1st, 2018|News, Techni-Core Blog|0 Comments

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